Blog Archives

GIIGNL MRV and GHG Neutral Framework – Appendices

GIIGNL MRV and GHG Neutral LNG Framework Questions and Answers

Custody Transfer Handbook 6th edition (2021)

This sixth (2021) edition of the GIIGNL LNG Custody Transfer Handbook reflects GIIGNL’s understanding of best current practice at the time of publication.

Safety Measures for Truck Loading, Unloading and Road Transport of LNG

The purpose of this document is to propose a set of safety recommendations related to loading / unloading and transport of LNG by road tankers, subject to the consideration of International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers (GIIGNL) members.

GIIGNL 2021 Annual Report

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LNG and decarbonization

Speech from GIIGNL Chairman Jean-Marie Dauger on the occasion of the 2020 LNG Producer Consumer Conference (October 2020)

LNG Demand in a Post-Covid19 and Decarbonizing World

Presentation to Gas Exporting Countries Forum (July 2020)

LNG carbon offsetting: fleeting trend or sustainable practice?

GIIGNL 2020 Annual Report

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LNG terminals trends and developments

Presentation by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at LNG Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2019 London