Blog Archives

LNG terminals trends and developments

Presentation by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at LNG Ship/Shore Interface Conference 2019 London

Guidelines for the Reloading of LNG Carriers at LNG import terminals

GIIGNL 2019 Annual Report Update – Flame

Presentation by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at the Flame Conference in Amstedram (May 13, 2019)

The future of natural gas and LNG

Keynote speech by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at the Small-Scale LNG Use Euro-Mediterranean Conference and Expo (May 15, 2019)

The vital role of natural gas for a sustainable energy future / Vers un âge d’or du GNL ?

Presentation by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum (March 28, 2019)

Asia-Pacific: a key growth driver of the world LNG market

Presentation by President Jean-Marie Dauger at the 8th St Petersburg International Gas Forum (5th October 2018)

Why is China so relevant for the global energy industry?

Presentation by General Delegate Vincent Demoury at CWC China (April 26, 2018)

Le GNL: un produit disponible et en croissance

Presentation to EVOLEN (French version / Version Française)

GIIGNL 2019 Annual Report

GIIGNL Information Paper – Questions and Answers (Q&A’s)