Blog Archives

GIIGNL Information Paper N°6 – Managing LNG Risks – Industry Safeguard Systems

GIIGNL Information Paper N°5 – Managing LNG Risks – Containment

GIIGNL Information Paper N°4 – Managing LNG Risks – Operational Integrity, Regulations, Codes and Industry Organisations

GIIGNL Information Paper N°3 – LNG Ships

GIIGNL Information Paper N°2 – The LNG Process Chain

GIIGNL Information Paper N°1 – Basic Properties of LNG

Lessons Learnt – Overflow of LNG from the cargo tank mast

This note describes the causes of an LNG release during the unloading of an LNG carrier in 2015, and makes recommendations based on these for implementation or consideration by onshore LNG terminal operators. The recommendations are grouped into those for immediate action and those which may require research or technical development.

Mapping of ISO LNG standards

LNG: A clean and flexible solution for a responsible energy future

LNG Incident Identification Study (WGC Presentation) – 2018