First LNGC arrives at Soma LNG Terminal (Japan)

December 6, 2017

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The LNGC Puteri Intan Satu has arrived today at JAPEX’s Soma LNG Terminal located in the Fukushima Prefecture and will unload the first commissioning cargo to the terminal during the week. 
Petronas’ Puteri Intan Satu has transported approximately 60,000 tons of LNG from Malaysia. 
The Soma LNG Terminal is a large scale LNG terminal composed of a ground-type LNG storage tank of 230,000 kiloliters (approximately 100,000 tons), two berths for ocean-going and domestic vessels, LNG vaporization equipment and loading facilities for tank trucks.
Commissioning of the terminal started on December 1, 2017 and the full commencement of operation is scheduled for March 2018.
Edited from JAPEX’s press release. 
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