Category Archives: News

EPC and capacity bookings for Brunsbüttel LNG

German LNG Terminal executed the EPC contract with CS Gas North S.A for the construction of the Brunsbüttel LNG receiving terminal and entered into agreements with ConocoPhillips, INEOS and RWE […]

Additional LNG for Italy

Eni started importing additional LNG volumes to the Panigaglia (La Spezia) receiving terminal, according to its plan to strengthen and diversify gas supplies to Italy ahead of the 2022-2023 winter. […]

Open season started for Lubmin LNG terminal

Deutsche ReGas started a binding open season for the Phase I of the Deutsche Ostsee offshore LNG receiving terminal, and a non-binding open season for the Phase II of the […]

Force majeure on gas supply to MLNG Dua

PETRONAS declared force majeure on gas supply to MLNG Dua, located in Bintulu, Sarawak, due to a pipeline leak caused by soil movement close to Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP) that […]

Klaipėdos Nafta to acquire FSRU Independence

Höegh LNG announced that AB Klaipėdos Nafta exercised its option to acquire the FSRU Independence. The ownership transfer will take place in December 2024. Until then, the existing FSRU contract […]

TotalEnergies joins the North Field South LNG project

TotalEnergies joined QatarEnergy in the 16 MTPA North Field South (NFS) LNG project. Out of a total 25% interest available for international partners, TotalEnergies will hold a 9.375% participating interest. […]

Shell and Vitol LNG SPA with Tellurian terminated

Tellurian announced that its two 10-year SPAs for the supply of LNG from its Driftwood project signed with Shell and Vitol in 2021 were cancelled. The company updated its Driftwood […]

Germany starts construction of LNG terminal in Lubmin

Deutsche ReGas started construction of the 4.5 BCMA LNG receiving terminal Deutsche Ostsee located in Lubmin (Germany). The terminal will include an FSRU deployed according to the agreement for the […]

German Government acquires 99% stake in Uniper

German Government agreed to acquire the Uniper shares currently held by Fortum, resulting in a Federal Government stake of approximately 99% in the company. The government also agreed a capital […]

Shell resumes production at Prelude FLNG

Shell restarted production at its Prelude FLNG facility following the cancellation of Protected Industrial Action that started in June this year. Shell reached an in-principle Enterprise Agreement with the Australian […]