Category Archives: News

ENI delivers carbon neutral LNG cargo to CPC

ENI and CPC Corporation reached an agreement for the delivery of a carbon neutral LNG cargo to CPC Corporation, Taiwan, at the Yung An receiving terminal. The LNG will be […]

270 000 cm storage tanks for Dangjin LNG terminal

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction and Kuil Construction won a 53M$ contract to build 4 storage tanks of a 270 000 m3 capacity each at a proposed by KOGAS LNG terminal […]

Tellurian signs SPA with Shell

Tellurian signed a 10-year SPA with Shell for 3 MTPA of LNG to be taken from Driftwood LNG on a FOB basis, indexed to a combination of JKM and TTF, […]

Guangdong Energy starts construction of Huizhou LNG terminal

Guangdong Energy started construction of an LNG import terminal located at Huizhou city in Guangdong Province, China. In the first phase of the project will include the construction of a […]

PGNiG signs SPAs with Venture Global and MoU with Sempra

Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) signed 20-year SPAs with Venture Global for 2 MTPA in total. Out of these volumes, 0.5 MTPA will be taken from Calcasieu Pass and […]

First gas from Barracuda Project

Shell started production on Block 5C in Trinidad and Tobago, known as Barracuda Project. The project is a backfill project of sustained near-term gas production which will supply feed gas […]

First carbon-offset LNG cargo for the Caribbean

AES, a US energy company, received the first carbon-offset LNG cargo for the Caribbean region at its Andres LNG terminal in the Dominican Republic. The cargo was delivered by 154 […]

BP delivers carbon offset LNG cargo to Mexico

BP, Sempra and IEnova entered into a contract for the delivery and receipt of a carbon offset LNG cargo to the Energía Costa Azul terminal in Mexico. LNG is sourced […]

Pichilingue LNG Terminal starts operations

New Fortress Energy’s LNG terminal in the port of Pichilingue has begun commercial operations. The Terminal, located at Baja California Sur, Mexico, is equipped with NFE’s proprietary ISOFlex system, which […]

Al-Zour terminal receives first LNG cargo

Courtesy of KIPIC Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) received its first LNG cargo at its new LNG import terminal in Al-Zour. The 22 MTPA terminal is owned by Kuwait [...]