Tag Archives: Other

Guangdong to convert to LNG powered vessels

The Guangdong government has teamed up with the CSSC and CNOOC to implement a project that promotes conversion to LNG power for inland waterway vessels. It will include the conversion […]

First ship-to-ship operation in France

The first ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operation has taken place in the port of Marseille, where Shell has supplied LNG to Carnival’s Costa cruise ship, Smeralda, via Anthony Veder’s converted LNG […]

NLNG Train 7 EPC contracts awarded

The EPC contracts of the Nigeria LNG Train 7 Project to be executed at the Bonny Island LNG complex have been awarded to Saipem, in joint venture with Daewoo E&C […]

World’s largest LNG bunker barge delivered

On 30 April the “Gas Agility” was delivered by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation to Total, to refuel the French container line CMA CGM’s new gas-fuelled ships. The barge has […]

LNG-to-power projects included in Vietnam’s National Planning

The Ca Na phase I and Long Song phase I (Ba Ria-Vung) LNG-fired power projects have been added by the Government of Vietnam to its National Power Development Planning (PDP). The […]

Guidelines for methane emissions target setting published

GIE, IOGP and Marcogaz have a published a series of guidelines which provide a summary of methane emission reduction targets set by companies in Europe and identifies the key elements […]

FSR publishes recommendations on methane emissions regulation

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) has published a paper regarding the importance for gas network companies, including LNG operators to reduce methane emissions to strengthen the sustainability dimension of […]

Gasum supplies Preem with LNG-LBG blend

Gasum has entered into an agreement with Sweden’s largest fuel company Preem to supply their tankers with a new fuel blend consisting of LNG and 10% of renewable liquefied biogas. […]

Pavilion Energy and SLNG sign first long-term agreement

Pavilion Energy and Singapore LNG Corporation (SLNG) signed a five-year agreement for LNG storage and reload services at the SLNG Terminal on Jurong Island. This is the first of such […]

Pavilion Energy performs first commercial ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in Singapore

Pavilion Energy has performed the first commercial ship-to-ship LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore. The operation, the first of such in Singapore, comprised a reload of 2,000 m3 of LNG […]